Virtual Personalized Coaching Programs

“Just imagine…Having a coach (who gets you) in your pocket at all times holding you accountable to your personalized fitness & nutrition game plan.”

Men & Women

1-on-1 Acountability
Customized plans that best suit your FITNESS, NUTRITION and WELL-BEING goals.
Knowing you need to change your health & fitness is NOT the same as doing it!

Online 1:1 Complete Nutrition and Fitness Coaching

Make lasting changes to your health, fitness and life.

Are you tired of starting over yet again and ready take charge of your health and lifestyle in a serious way?
Not for everyone, this is ideal for those who need just that extra consistent push — this program is designed to guarantee that you will reach your goals.
It takes 66 days to form a new habit, and I’ll be there every step of the way to help you create new, healthy habits over the next 3 months.
You ready to make real, lasting changes ? I’ll be the 1-on-1 support you need to achieve your long-term health and fitness goals.

Garrett specializes in helping busy everyday people improve and sustain their healthy fitness, nutrition and wellness habits..

Is Health and Wellness Coaching
Right for You?

Do You Struggle to Make Health and Weight Loss Changes That Stick?
Maybe those pants aren’t fitting the same or you don’t feel as attractive as you once were.
Perhaps you don’t have as much energy as you used to and you can’t find the time to take care of yourself.
Or maybe your family doctor has told you you’re at serious risk for heart disease or diabetes if you don’t change your lifestyle – now.
Let’s be real here… Life happens. It gets super busy and things slide. If you’re an ambitious, driven, and hard working person, you have a lot on your plate.
Your own health and fitness has taken at back seat to the rest of your obligations and responsibilities.
But you know that’s unsustainable. You can’t keep going like this and your health is suffering as time goes on.

How It Works

We look at the big picture.
I take a holistic coaching approach to your health and fitness to determine what is most important to you and to help you get where you want to be.
This means that I look at all of you as a person — not just your weight, diet, or your health issues.
YOU — As an individual. As a whole package!
Throughout our sessions we will address your health across a range of areas, including your energy levels, nutrition and eating habits, exercise, lifestyle, stress levels, weight management and mindfulness.
It’s all connected. When these things are all moving in the right direction, life just gets better.
As a busy and ambitious person myself, I understand the pressures of balancing your work, personal life and your health.
You CAN get the body, health, and energy that you’re seeking. I’m here to help!

How Could Better Heath Impact Your Life?

People work with me when they want to:

Want to Look, Feel, and BE the Best Version of Yourself?

Making any change starts with knowing WHAT to change. Download my free Accountability Tracker to take the first step to becoming the you that you want to be.

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